Monday, December 29, 2008

Will Barack Obama be able to jump start the economy ?

Barack Obama and his Economy team
Barack Obama has already announced his team of advisers and named to various important posts and these posts are
Lawrence Summers - head of White House National Economic Council
Timothy Giethner - Treasury Secretary currently New York Federal Reserve President
Christina Romer - Director of Council of Economic Advisors
Melody Barnes - Director Domestic Policy Council

Source :

Barack Obama and his Plan
Barack Obama will need about 675 billion dollars to 775 billion dollars to jump start the economy. He intends to use these for long term infrastructure projects as well as several job creation projects.

Job creation projects will include rebuilding kids classrooms as well making sure that the public libraries are up to the mark plus the focus will shift away from the short term spending of consumers which as the main focus of George W. bushes economic plan.
Update Mar 2010 - if you need to know more about business and economy then this place is the best read.

He gave tax cuts which will result in money in the hands of the people and then they will spend that in turn helping retailers and manufacturers and hence increase the growth rate of the economy .

The down side is that once that money dried up there was no way you can then make sure that economy will survive or go down.Obama is backing the long term view and in this is recessionary world people are willing to listen as there is nothing to much form here. Everything anyway has been lost.

Come January 20th I am going to wait and watch what is in store for us as well as for the all the Indian Americans specifically the Indian IT workers who depend on the US for their jobs.
The positive side is that enterpreneurs come out with stylish innovations like Obama merchandising as well as Obama Commemorative coin

Caveat : These are my own views expressed here and it is not the opinion of my employer as this is my personal blog.

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